
min Sekce: Daily overview

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the CR under the no. MZDR33967/2019-2/CAU, reference no. L33/2019

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic regarding the appeal of the appelant Cipla Europe NV, against the decision of...
min Sekce: Daily overview

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the CR under the no. MZDR24718/2017-2/CAU, reference no. L24/2017

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic regarding the appeal of the appelant FERRING Pharmaceuticals CZ s.r.o., Merck...
min Sekce: Daily overview

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the CR under the no. MZDR32649/2017-2/CAU, reference no. L39/2017

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic regarding the appeal of the appelant Glenmark Pharmaceuticals s.r.o., against...
min Sekce: Daily overview

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the CR under the no. MZDR22395/2017-2/FAR, reference no. L21/2017

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic regarding the appeal of the appelant Svaz zdravotních pojišťoven, Pfizer, spol. s...
min Sekce: Daily overview

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the CR under the no. MZDR 32343/2019-2/CAU, reference no. L36/2019

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic regarding the appeal of the appelant Novartis Europharm Limited, against the...
min Sekce: Daily overview

Rozhodnutí č. j. MZDR10681/2017-2/FAR, sp. zn. FAR L13/2017

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic regarding the appeal of the appelant Svaz zdravotních pojišťoven, against the...
min Sekce: Daily overview

Rozhodnutí č. j. MZDR10928/2017-2/CAU, zn. L14/2017

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic regarding the appeal of the appelant Pfizer, spol. s r.o., against the decision of...
min Sekce: Daily overview

Rozhodnutí č.j. MZDR7650/2017-2/FAR, zn. L10/2017

A decision of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic regarding the appeal of the appelant Teva Pharmaceuticals CR, s.r.o., against the...