
min Sekce: Focused on

EMA Launches New Platform to Monitor Medicine Shortages

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has announced the launch of a new platform designed to routinely monitor shortages of centrally authorized medicines.
Pharmeca a.s. 12/16/2024
min Sekce: Focused on

European Health Data Space 2024 update

The European Health Data Space (EHDS) has advanced significantly since the initial concept of a digital transformation in healthcare across all EU member states.
Pharmeca 11/18/2024
min Sekce: Focused on

Save the date: EMA organizuje Information Day for CTIS 17. října 2024

Informační systém klinických studií (CTIS) – pokračující proces přechodu
Pharmeca a.s. 10/07/2024
min Sekce: Focused on

Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) - present and future

CTIS podporuje interakce mezi sponzory klinických studií (výzkumníky nebo společnostmi, které provádějí klinickou studii a shromažďují a analyzují data) a regulačními orgány v členských státech EU a zemích EHP po celou dobu životního cyklu klinické studie.
Pharmeca 03/08/2024
min Sekce: Focused on

Change in VAT Rates for Medicines

Based on the amendment to Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on Value Added Tax, as of January 1, 2024, there has been a change in VAT rates, particularly impacting the increase in prices and reimbursements for medicinal products. In the infographics, we will illustrate how the individual rates have changed and examine the international comparison to assess the impact on the Czech Republic.
Pharmeca a.s. 02/27/2024
min Sekce: Data visualization

The impact of appeal decisions on decision-making practice

As of 1 April 2023, Pharmeca a.s. offers on its website a new perspective on the decisions of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic in appeal proceedings in the area of pricing and reimbursement of medicines.
Pharmeca a.s. 04/01/2023
min Sekce: Daily overview

Czech legislation

Current overview of selected Czech legal regulations regarding medicines and medical devices.
Pharmeca 02/13/2023
min Sekce: Daily overview

Important sources of legislative information

An up-to-date overview of legislative resources regarding medicines and medical devices, which Pharmeca a.s. uses within the provided services.
Pharmeca 01/02/2022